Tuesday 26 August 2014

Group Dynamics

So whats new for this session? Everything was new. First time in my life i was asked to watch a movie and come to class by a professor. A totally different thing in itself. It was said that the whole class will be based on it. So what is the movie all about.

Three Monks is a Chinese animated feature film, produced by the Shanghai Animation Film Studio.

The film is based on the ancient Chinese proverb "One monk will shoulder two buckets of water, two monks will share the load, but add a third and no one will want to fetch water". A noticeable point is that the film does not contain any dialogues, allowing it to be watched by any culture.

 There are four stages in this movie:

a.) When only monk is present in the movie :- From the movie, we can see that, When one monk was there, he was happy to do work and collect water from river to the monastery. He was happy with his life and satisfied.

b.) When another monk joined :- We can see that, when other monk joined, the first monk wishes not to do any work and asks other monk to do the work of bringing water. But when other monk demands equal distribution of work, the first monk tries to escape from work by putting weight of pot containing water towards the other monk. After much deliberation, both of them decide to share work. As a result of it, productivity increases.

c.) The arrival  of third monk on the next day morning :- The arrival of a third monk prompts everyone to expect that someone else will take the work. Consequently, no one fetches water even though everybody is thirsty. At night, due to a rat, candle fells down leading to a fire in the temple. The three monks finally unite together and make a combined effort to put out the fire.

    d.) Eventually at the end, all three monks realize that, if they work together, they can achieve more and can be more productive. Hence, they unite together and comes up with an innovative idea of filling water.


Lessons Learnt:-

Continuous Improvement:

Method 1 and Method 2 are the examples of using old techniques but continuous improvements over time. It leads to better efficiency and process improvement.


Method 2 brings us to an old debate Individual Vs Team Productivity. As per productivity analysis method 2 is more productive than method 1. To make it clearer, here is a table illustrating the productivity statistics in either case. Assuming 1 Man uses 1 unit of energy to lift 1 bucket.

Output (No. of buckets)
Input(Worker Energy units)
Productivity = Output/Input
1 Man – 2 buckets
2 Men – 1 bucket


Transition from method 2 to method 3 is innovation.  When the monastery is on fire they realise that it is better to think in terms of team goals rather than individualistic goals. The monk at the bottom fills the buckets, the middle monk works on pulley system and the third monk at the top douses the fire with water in the bucket. This shows difficult situation inspires ingenious solutions. 


This story teaches a gentle, humorous lesson about responsibility. Three monks allow personal pride to interfere with the performance of daily tasks, each believing that the other two should be the ones to go downhill to fetch water. When a fire breaks out, however, they understand how silly they’ve been and work together to save the temple.

Work for each other, no selfishness:

The great Russian writer, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, once wrote "I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea." The story of the three monks teaches us that everyone is capable of being selfish, but doing so diminishes our ability to cooperate with one another. People must rise among themselves and see the group as whole. People must be deliberative in their collective decision making.

Pursuit of Excellence:

Increase in excellence directly leads to the increase in effective productivity. Excellence can be defined as the product of efficiency and effectiveness. Moving from method 2 to method 3 is the increase in excellence. In the story there is no dearth of talent as all three monks are equally capable, but still as a team they struggle.
The moral of the story, a sane group can make bad group decisions if the group dynamics is bad.

Monday 18 August 2014

Nothing is impossible when you work as a Team

Objective: Learn about importance of teamwork and its constituting elements with the help of a valley crossing exercise.

The valley crossing exercise was performed in order to demonstrate the importance of team work. Team work involves many facets some of them being communication, coordination, interdependence, trust, support, contribution from members and cohesion between members.

The exercise: Valley Crossing

The activity involved 3 persons crossing a valley with the support of the rod. The distance between two ends of the cliff was more than 1 step but less than 2 steps. The activity was to be performed in such a way, that at any instance of time during the crossing of valley, not more than 1 member was at risk, i.e. if one person was at risk during the act of valley crossing, the other two members would take up that person’s weight. In this way the Inter-Dependency between the members was tightly coupled which is one of the most facets of team work.

It is also to be noted that when one of the persons is at risk, that person has to Trust the other two persons to ensure that the objective is achieved. In this way, during the entire exercise, all the persons are at equal risk and need confidence and trust between the members to achieve the objective. 

 Three wise men Crossing the valley - Detailed task process
Earlier we learnt about de-skilling (breaking an element into small small processes and thus precluding the need for expertise) and its far reaching impact. in the same manner, if we apply the process of de-skilling to this problem we can break it into 9 steps. The pictorial representation of the process flow is as follows:

based on the step per step situation, we can draw following inferences:

First Person
Second Person
Third person
Half Risky
Full Risky
Half Risky
Half Risky
Full Risky
Half Risky
Half Risky
Full Risky
Half Risky

·         Safe - Both the legs of the person have full support
·         Half Risky – One leg in the air and the other leg has support
·         Full risky - Both the legs are in the air without any support
·         Half risky – One leg is in the air and the other leg has support
·         Safe - Both the legs have full support

Lessons Learnt

When a team is assigned a work or has to achieve an objective, each member of the team should be responsible enough to complete their portion of the task. If even one member of the team is not responsible to complete their portion, then the entire objective is at a risk and can lead to harsh consequences.

During the process of performing a task, there needs to be effective communication between the group members for two main reasons.
The first reason can be to know the status of the work performed so that the percentage task completion of the task can be gauged  The second reason can be related to the clarity of the task between the members. If even one member interprets the task incorrectly, the whole objective of the group is put at stake.

Confidence and Trust
The organization cannot be successful if there is no element of trust in it. As in the case of valley exercise, persons can take the risk to cross the valley only since they trust the other two. Similarly for the organization to be successful, managers and workers have to follow the Theory X which tells the people or managers have trust on the other people or employees for the job to be completed effectively.

When the team members have gelled, then innovation is something that comes on its own. A good team always has a good number of people who come up with innovative ideas all the time.

Clear goals 
The goals were clear, defined and each member in the team fully understood the gravity of the problem.  
after all, as it is said:

One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bonafide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork

Sunday 10 August 2014

Transformation via Maha Mandi

Maha Mandi – The Transformation
                             I can say that even before setting my foot on this God’s Own Campus at Mumbai, I have heard of MahaMandi. While doing specific research and comparisons about various B-Schools in India, Maha Mandi at NITIE was positioned and marketed in such a way that it could get the limelight of even a normal stalker on the internet. But true to lazy nature, I did not make that effort to find out what it was. And the time came. I joined this institute and this section to only get to hear word ’MahaMandi’ echo in my ears. And it was so much that, at a point of time I developed a certain dislike for this event. But not for long.

                           I can say that I was not a great follower of the build ups that went into this event. But there was an opportunity to work on posters, videos and creative ideas which created a sense of inquisitiveness within me to explore what this MahaMandi actually is.

                          And then came the day. August 9. A rainy Saturday. An ideal weather to sleep. But then if I miss this day, I would have to wait for an year or would have to depend on others to know what exactly MahaMandi is. Hence contrary to my nature, I freshened up and climbed the 96 steps to reach the Audi to listen to what the dignitaries had to say. All that done, I was all pumped up. With the selling caps on, I came down the steps, boarded the bus and yeaaah, I am going to explore the streets of Mumbai on a rainy afternoon.

                         I reached the hub mall along with Sailesh and Sushil and very frankly, we were hesitant at the beginning to sell as we had no clues as to how to approach the customers. But the hesitancy dint last long. We approached a lady along with her 10 year old child and asked her if we could spare a few minutes of time. We explained her the benefit of the product to her as a buyer, from her perspective and benefit of selling the product as a seller, from our perspective. As we finished catering to our first customer, Bang, we were on. Pumped up. Our confidence grew multi fold. We approached almost everyone. We were greeted with more blank faces than smiles. But our confidence grew. The movie going family, the ice cream loving uncle, the NGO loving software professional, the NRI aunty. We sold the inventories to them and there we were. Inventory worth Rs 2150 sold out in just an half an hour by us, who knew a little of hindi but knew more of marketing and selling. At the end of our inventory, we were quite saddened as we did not have more inventories to carry on with our selling spree.

                           Nevertheless, what I initially thought to be boring was interesting. What I felt tough was easy. What I thought a waste of time gave me great experiences. I take this opportunity to thank Dr Mandi for providing us with an unique experience of learning.

Friday 18 July 2014

Tower Building Exercise

Dare to think!!!

Aim for the moon, if you fail, you may hit a star. This is what the teachers have told me throughout my schooling. I have always wondered how anyone would even think of reaching the moon. Many a times I have pondered over the fact, what it takes a man to reach a moon. How does one go about pursuing one's ambitions which are more than sky-high?. Especially, if those ambitions necessitate goal-setting and their implementation with the help of teamwork. ­­Here is an activity that we performed in our class which helped us understand what went into setting smart goals.

Tower building Exercise

          We were given a set of wooden blocks and build a tower using them. These blocks had to be placed on top of one large block. There was one person who was building the block and the rest were asked to assist him. Also, whenever the tower falls, the game was as good as over.
          We were then asked to arrive at an target for the height of the tower to be built. The rest of the class was asked to give suggestions about goal set, goal history, and goal achieved in terms of the height of the tower as we all made educated guesses about them.
          The target was set and then came the complication. The person building the tower is to be blind folded but the target could not be revised. The activity started and two teams with three persons - one blind folded and the other two were giving instructions. The teams went on to build the towers until they collapsed. Eventually they collapsed at a point of time.

  This activity was then used as a platform to explain the concept of S.M.A.R.T goals. 

The targets which we set for ourselves should be evaluated by the S.M.A.R.T goals. The human mind has endless potential. What it needs is some manifestation to be able to achieve the goal set.

Dr Mandi through the tower building exercise showed us where we lack in working as a group and what is takes to achieve not just the goal but much more beyond that.